Call Recording is available through Flex, Pro, and Premier Plans. Additionally, if you would like to receive advanced reporting on your recorded calls, this will be through the Premier Plan. If you would like to speak to an account services manager about switching to a plan which allows you to text, please email, or call 888.825.0800, option 4.
There are currently two ways to record and review your calls. AWS (Amazon Web Storage) delivers indefinite and unlimited storage of not only call recordings, but faxes and voicemails as well. It also provides extra security, as files produced will only appear in AWS. This design is intended for security, as they will not exist on VirtualPBX, and VirtualPBX members will not be able to access them. If you are intending on handling a large amount of calls and recordings, we would recommend Amazon’s Web Storage. VirtualPBX’s call recording feature is enabled through your dash, and the recordings will be accessible through the Admin Dashboard on a separate website.
Amazon Web Storage Set Up
Pricing and Requirements
While VirtualPBX does not charge for storage on this service, note that Amazon S3 will charge for storage based on usage. Please review Amazon S3 pricing at
Your company must have an account in good standing with VirtualPBX and an active AWS account. If you don’t have an AWS account yet, you’ll be prompted to create one when you sign up for Amazon S3. To sign up for Amazon S3:
- Go to and click Sign Up.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- AWS will notify you by email when your account is active and available for you to use. Private external storage cannot be enabled until your account is active.
- Contact VirtualPBX Support to enable this feature.
Steps to Setup External Storage with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

- Sign in to your S3 account. You made need to go to Services - Storage and Select S3. Click on the region at the top right and select Global

- Click Create bucket, give it a unique name and choose region, and click block all public access (recommended).
If the name is rejected it may be because Amazon requires all bucket names to be unique across all customers, not just unique to your instance.

- Under Advanced Settings, you can choose to prevent the content from being deleted or altered for a fixed amount of time or indefinitely.
- Click Create Bucket to see your new bucket in your account.
Assign Permissions

- Select your bucket.
- Click Permissions. You may need to create a user before proceeding. See below
- Click Access Control List, verify that access to bucket owner is set to yes across the board.
Create User Credentials

- Sign into your console URL.
- Select Security, Identity & Compliance - click on IAM
- Click on Create User
- Create a username.
- Click Programmatic Access under Access Type.

- If prompted, click Create Group, give it a group name.
- Under Filter Policies, search for S3, select AmazonS3FullAccess.
- Click Create Group.

- Click Add User to Group, then click Next: Tags, add tags if necessary, click Review, verify all the information is correct then click Create user.
- Be sure to document the Access Key ID and Secret Access key, you may also download a CSV for easy reference.
Creating Directories
Go back to the S3 website, click View Buckets, click on your new bucket, click on Create and name folders that directly correlate to the Dash configurations you are about to make.

Configuring Storage in Dash (AWS)
Once AWS Integration is configured the customer may configure Call Recording, Voicemail, and Faxes to be stored on their AWS Account.

- Click on the Menu Icon at the top right
- Click on Integration AWS
- Click on the + sign to configure your AWS account

- Fill out the form completely. You will need to refer to your AWS account
- Click on Save changes
Changing the Location of Your Stored Items

- Click on the Menu icon at the top right
- Click on either Faxes, Voicemail or Call Recording
- Click on Storage.
- Click on AWS logo and then click Use Storage Option.
- Click the gear icon and type in the name of the directories you’d like your specified service to be stored under.
Files will be stored on the external storage service once this step is completed.

Call Recording Configuration tab
Please Note: If you were using the Customized Call Recording User feature, this must be disabled on all user. Additionally if you had any custom setup for call recording to ACD queues or groups those will also need to be disabled. Please contact our Support team to assist you with this at 888-825-0800 option 2 or

- Click on the Menu icon at the top left
- Click on Call Recording

- Click on the Configuration Tab
- Under Force Record Entire Account choose the options you wish to use to record calls
- Internal Inbound = Inbound calls from a Dash user to another user etc
- External Inbound = Inbound call from outside the system, ie a customer calls in
- Internal Outbound = Dash user makes an outbound call to another user
- External Outbound = Dash user makes a call outside the system, ie to a customer
- Click on Save
VirtualPBX Call Recording Set Up
Things to know for this document:
- VirtualPBX Call Recording’s feature does NOT provide any legal disclaimer (Audible or otherwise) when enabled. Customers wishing to relay such disclaimers should update their system greetings or ringback audio to comply with their local and state regulations or laws.
- If your Main Number Incoming Call Handling settings bypass the Virtual Receptionist, please work with our Support Team to ensure that your calls are being recorded appropriately.
- These settings are not for use with AWS Call recording. If you recently switched to using AWS for Call Recording you will want to disable the call recording feature on your users.
Enabling Dash Call Recording for a User

- Start by clicking on Users on the left hand side
- Click on the User features box for the user you with to work with
- Click on Customized Call Recording

- Toggle from Disabled to Enabled
- Choose which kinds of calls you want to have recorded.
- Internal = Within your Dash account, for example User > User
- External = Calls to/from people outside of your Dash account, for example your customers
- Click on Save Changes
Listening and Downloading Dash Call Recordings
To access the portal, go to!/login
Log in with your VirtualPBX Dashboard Admin Credentials here
You may sort by phone number or date and download or listen to your recordings right from your browser