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Insights - Wallboards


Welcome to your new wallboard! This allows you to track statistics in real time. Utilize our default template when reviewing your Insights, or use this knowledge to create your own personalized version. In this article we will be breaking down the tiles on the default wallboard you receive upon signing up for Insights.

Please note- depending on your plan, wallboards may be an extra monthly charge. If you would like to check, call our Account Management team at 888.825.0800 option 4, or


Single Stat Tiles

All tiles in your default wallboard are known as ‘Single Stat’. While Gauges are incorporated, all tiles will only show one piece of information.


All Calls

Track the total of all incoming and outgoing calls with a single stat tile.


Incoming Calls

Track the total incoming calls to your account’s numbers


Outgoing Calls

Track the total number of calls your agents/users made throughout the business day


Abandoned Calls

Track any calls where the caller ended the call while ringing to your agents, or while on hold.


Incoming Answered Percentage

Out of 100%, track how many calls were answered by users/agents with a circular gauge


Trunk to Trunk Calls

Track all calls that require connecting two external lines through the system.


Internal Calls

Track how many calls your agents/users made to each other throughout your business day


Abandoned Calls Percentage

Track calls where the caller ended the call while ringing to your agents, or while on hold in percentage form


Average Ring Time In

Track the average of the time customers spend ringing before an agent/user answers


Longest Ring Time In

Track the longest time a customer spent ringing to a user/agent before the call is answered


Average Talk Time

Track the average time inbound and outbound calls have taken over the business day


Unreturned Abandoned Calls

Track instances where customers have not been called back after users/agents missed their initial call



For all tiles, you can edit the appearance, add a different label, and set alarms


Change the background color, text color, and label on the Appearance tab


Create an alarm for your stat tile on the ‘Alarms’ tab. This will allow you to choose from multiple notifications/actions when your stat is more than, less than, or equals the number of your choosing.


Click on the cog next to your dashboard dropdown to edit the color scheme for your dashboard.


Click on the lock in the top right of your screen to unlock the tiles to move and resize them freely

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