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Polycom Manual Provisioning

Instructions to manually provision

If your phone has never been used by anyone before you may skip down to Add 3rd party softphone. Factory reset the phone (this may vary depending on on the model of phone or the firmware, you may need to check with Polycom for further instructions)

1. Press "Menu" on your Polycom phone. 2. Navigate to "Settings" --> "Advanced". You will be prompted for a password. Typically this will be 456 if this is a fresh unprovisioned phone. 3. Select "Admin Settings" 4. Navigate down screen to "Reset to Default" 5. From the Reset to Defaults menu, navigate to "Reset to Factory"

Add 3rd party softphone in Dash

You will want to start by adding a 3rd party softphone to your Dash account/user

Click on the user's “Devices” for the User you wish to work with, you then see:

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  1. Click on Users on the left
  1. Click on the user’s device box
  1. Click on New Device and select Soft Phone
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  1. Change the device name and record the SIP Username / SIP Password and the Realm for later.
  1. Click on Create Device. You can always return here to reference your credentials by going to Users - user’s device box and clicking edit on the device.
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  1. Click on Save changes

You will need the SIP Username, SIP Password and Realm to set up your Polycom.


Next, you’ll need to find the private IP address of your device, and then input that in your web browser. You can usually find the IP address in your phone’s settings, look for a “Status”, or potentially a “Network” setting. Private IP addresses typically look like 192.168.1.X (X can be any number between 2 and 255) or 10.0.0.X

Once you’ve found it, type it in your web browser URL as if you’re entering the address for a website. It should come up with the Manufacturer interface for your device.

Default Login for Polycom devices are:

  • Username: Polycom (Case sensitive)
  • Password: 456

Now that you’re in, complete the following steps:

Go to Settings tab at the top of the page

Then Lines and select Line 1

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Under Identification:

  1. SIP Username: Enter in The Address and Authentication User ID
  1. SIP Password: enter in the Authentication Password

3. Realm: Enter in the Address field

  1. Click Save

Setting Date/Time: Click on Preferences > Date & Time

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  1. Adjust the time/date format to suit your preference
  1. Then select the correct time zone for your location
  1. Click Save
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