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Contact Center Full Agent User Guide

Getting Started 

Sign In

To use a Contact Center client, you need to be signed in to your account.

Enter your username (email address) and password, or use your Google/Microsoft credentials to complete the login process.

tip:You should have received a Welcome email with details of your user credentials. If you have not received that, please contact your system administrator.

Deskphone/Softphone Mode 

  • On Startup you will prompted to select Softphone or Desktop Mode?
  • Uncheck Prompt on start-up
  • Select Softphone

Desktop (Web Edition / Windows) 

The image below provides an overview of the various features of the desktop app that are available once signed in.



To initiate a call to another user, either double-click on the user or click on the phone icon:



  • Web Edition
  • Windows

The desktop app allows users to control their 'Presence', giving other users of the system information about what their availability is and where enabled, control over their Do Not DisturbCall Forwarding and Personal Routing states.

Users can control their availability by selecting any of the pre-configured presences from the user menu:

This presence can then be supplemented with a status message to provide more additional context if required, e.g. On the road (until 4pm) or In a meeting (all afternoon).

Using presence, users can indicate they are either 'Available' or 'Unavailable'. If in the available state, the app will automatically update its state to ‘busy on a call’ whenever they are connected to a call on any other devices.

Notion image


  • Web Edition
  • Windows

Windows Notifications generates for all telephone calls a user is involved in. Each notification is designed to provide useful information about the call and where appropriate, actions that provide control over the call.

Notifications will stay on the screen while the call is present at a user's device. They will disappear automatically when a call clears down or can be manually hidden by clicking anywhere within the notification body.

Incoming Calls 

Incoming call notifications provide the phone number, and contact name of the caller alongside route path and queue information if available. This allows users to know who is calling them before they answer the phone.

Connected/Outgoing Calls 

Outgoing and connected call notifications will provide the user with the option to end the call from the notification in addition to the call details:

Missed Calls 

If any incoming calls are not answered, a missed call notification will be generated. Missed call notifications only stay on the screen for a short amount of time before auto-hiding. At this point, they will be visible within the Windows Notification Center.

Missed calls can be easily called back by pressing the 'Return Call' button on the notification.

ACD Control 

  • Windows
  • Web Edition

ACD control provides the user with the necessary visibility of their agent status along with control options to change their agent status:

  • Session control -> Provides the user control of logging in and out of being on duty as an agent
  • Queue control -> Choose which queues to take calls from
  • Status control -> Allows the user to switch between Away and Ready states as well as extending or canceling wrap-up if applicable.

The current agent status is clearly displayed. Clicking the status loads the ACD control menu which provides access to all the available functions.


Logging In & Queue Availability 

If the user's current agent state is 'Logged Out', the ACD control menu will offer the 'Login' function. Once logged in, a list of queues will be displayed which the user is a member of:

The toggle switch against each queue allows control over which queue the user wishes to accept calls from. This allows users to easily update their availability for a specific queue when they need to cover for someone or take overflow calls when call traffic is abnormal.

tip: When logging in with Contact Center, users will receive ACD calls on all of their configured devices.


While logged in, users can toggle their status between 'Ready' and 'Away' to control the flow of calls. The away status can be used instead of 'Log Out' to temporarily make the user unavailable. This is most commonly used when they are taking a break or going on lunch.

Once placed in the 'Away' state, the user will remain in this state until they manually set themselves to 'Ready'.

Wrap Time 

If configured against a queue, the user will be placed into the 'Wrap' state after a queue call has been cleared down. Wrap time is designed to allow users to complete any tasks which may be associated with a call before they are offered a new one.

When in the 'Wrap' state, the user can choose any of the following options:

  • End Wrap -> Sets the agent state straight to 'Ready' to accept more calls
  • Extend Wrap -> Requests the wrap time is restarted if the user requires additional time to complete a task.
  • Set Away -> Places the user into the away state which will stop call delivery until they manually set themselves to 'Ready'


  • Web Edition
  • Windows

The Contacts area provides access to both internal and external contacts that have been configured on the system. For internal contacts (other users), presence and status information is provided.

  • Presence -> Provides context based information of where another user is or what they are doing. It can be supplemented with a custom message.
  • Status -> The current communication status of the user provides information if they are on a call or are in the wrap-up state.
Notion image


From the search result, users can be dialed by double-clicking or they can be added to the favorites group using the context menu.

To clear the search result, press the 'x' at the far right of the search box or press the 'Escape' key.

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