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Dispositions (Admin)

Create and manage call outcomes with Call Dispositions in the Contact Center Portal.

Overview of Dispositions

Dispositions are enforced call outcomes that allow administrators to categorize calls based on specific criteria. They require users to assign a result for calls matching predefined rules. These results can be used for reporting, performance analysis, and campaign tracking.

Dispositions appear on agents' phone apps during or after calls, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting.

Step 1: Accessing Dispositions

  1. Log in to the
  1. Navigate to Settings > Dispositions.
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Step 2: Creating a Disposition

1. Click on + Add Disposition.

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2. Fill out the following fields:

a. Name: Provide a short, descriptive name for the disposition (e.g., "Sales Outcomes").

b. Prompt: Enter the text to display when prompting users (e.g., "Select the call outcome").

c. Tool-tip: Provide a brief explanation for users (e.g., "Choose the result that best matches this call").

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d. Call Direction: Select from:

  • All Calls: Applies to both incoming and outgoing calls without any restrictions.
  • Incoming: Targets calls coming into the system.
  • Outgoing: Applies only to calls initiated from the system to external destinations.
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e. Call Type: Refine the scope (available options vary by Call Direction):

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  • DID Calls: Focuses on calls routed to specific DID numbers (e.g., departmental or campaign-specific numbers). (Incoming only)
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  • Queue Calls: Targets calls routed through selected queues, ideal for tracking team or queue-specific performance. (Incoming only)
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  • User: Applies to calls answered by specific users
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  • User Groups: Filters calls handled by members of specified user groups.
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e. Enabled: Toggle ON to activate the disposition for users.

Step 3: Defining Disposition Values

1. Go to the Values tab while creating or editing a disposition.

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2. Add the specific results users can select (e.g., "Resolved," "Escalated," "Follow-Up").

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3. Arrange values in the order you want them to appear:

  • Drag values using the reorder tool.
  • Place the most frequently used options at the top.
  • Set a default value if applicable (optional).
    • Select from the options that were previously created in the step above
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Step 4: Managing Dispositions

  • Edit an Existing Disposition:
    • Select a disposition from the list and update its settings or values.
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  • Reorder Dispositions:
    • Use the drag-and-drop tool in the dispositions list to prioritize rules. The first matching rule will be applied.
  • Enable or Disable Dispositions:
    • Toggle the Enabled switch to activate or deactivate specific dispositions.
    • Historical data will still be available for disabled dispositions.

Step 5: Reviewing and Reporting

  • Disposition History:
    • Users can view assigned and pending dispositions in their Connects Web Phone
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  • Reporting:
    • Use dashboards and reports to analyze call outcomes and identify trends.
    • Filter by disposition categories to gain deeper insights.

Example Configuration:

Sales Outcomes
Select the outcome of the call.
Choose the result that best matches this call.
Call Direction
Call Type
Queue Calls - Sales Queue
FCR, Escalated, Follow-Up

Tips for Effective Management

  1. Regularly review disposition rules to ensure they align with business goals.
  1. Use clear and concise prompts and tool-tips to guide users effectively.
  1. Monitor reporting data to refine disposition values and filters.

This guide equips administrators with the necessary steps to set up and manage dispositions effectively, ensuring precise call tracking and actionable insights.

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