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Queue Setup (Admin)

Setting up and configuring your Call Center

1. Getting Started

  • Access the Call Center: Click the Call Center icon and press "Begin Session" if prompted. Change availability status next to "Status."
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2. Manage Members

  • Add Members
      1. Click "Members"
      1. Click "Manage Members"
      1. select users
      1. Add as Member."
  • Note: This step can be skipped if users haven’t been added. Set up queues first and add agents later.
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3. Create a New Queue

  • Initiate Queue Creation: Click "+New Queue."
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  • Enter Basic Info:
      1. Name: Enter Queue name
      1. Call-in number or extension: Select a spare number or Assign a new extension
      1. Confirm: Click "Next" to confirm.
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4. General Settings - Basic Behavior

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1. Call limit: Define the maximum number of calls that can be held in the queue at one time.

2. Queue timeout: Set the maximum allowable wait time for each caller before they are automatically redirected.

3. Timeout immediately if empty: Automatically end or redirect calls if no agents are logged in.

4. Record all calls: Enable this option to record every call that enters the queue.

5. Disable timeout for callback calls: Keep callback requests in the queue, ignoring the standard timeout, until an agent is ready.

6. Immediate timeout if no agents are ready: If no agents are ready to take calls, this setting instantly redirects calls to a timeout path, reducing unnecessary waiting times and improving caller satisfaction.

7. Display agents to other agents: Enable agents to view the real-time status of their colleagues.

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8. Escalation Callflow after timeout: Set where calls are routed after exceeding the queue timeout, such as to voicemail, another queue, or a specific device. This ensures no call is left unattended.

  • Note: If a call does not connect with an agent and the call times out, and there is no predetermined callflow set, the call will drop. Ensure the correct callflow is assigned to avoid missed calls.

9. Dropout Options: Offer callers the option to leave the queue by pressing a specific key. This can be used to redirect them to another destination like a voicemail or a different queue, offering flexibility and improving the overall caller experience.

  • Add Redirect: Allow callers to be redirected to a different queue or voicemail by pressing a designated button, giving them control over their next steps.
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10. Caller Announcement:

a. Play recording on answer: When enabled, a media clip will play before the caller is connected to an agent. The connection timeout timer will begin only after the media file has finished playing.

  • Example: As an example of a media clip, the caller might hear: "Thank you for calling [Company Name]. Please hold while we connect you to the next available agent." After this message finishes playing, the system will start the connection timeout timer and attempt to connect the caller to an available agent.

b. Upload a pre-recorded message or media clip that plays to callers before they are connected to an agent.

c. Add DTMF: (Optionally) Require the caller to press a specific key to proceed to an agent.

d. Connection timeout: Ensure the callee connection timeout is set to at least 10 seconds, giving agents sufficient time to connect after the caller confirms they are ready.

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5. Routing Strategy

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  1. Most Idle: Route calls to agents with the most idle time since their last call.
  1. Least Calls Handled: Route calls to agents who have handled the fewest calls during their session.
  1. Least Offers Made: Route calls to agents who have received the fewest call offers during their session.
  1. Round Robin: Distribute calls equally among all agents assigned to the queue.
  1. Ring All Agents: Ring all agents in the queue (not recommended for high call volumes).
  1. Skill based (Strict): Only agents with the exact matching skill will receive the call.
  1. Skill based (Loose): Agents with matching skills are prioritized, but calls may be routed to others if necessary.

6. Hold Treatment

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  • Design Media Loop: Add actions for hold treatment:
    • Announce Position: Announces the caller's position in the queue.
    • Announce Wait: Announces the estimated wait time.
    • Pause: Inserts a pause in the media loop.
    • Play Media File: Plays a media file.

7. Agent Behavior

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  1. Agent Connect Timeout: Set to 10 seconds or higher.
  1. Force Away on Rejected/Missed Calls: Automatically mark agents as "away" after a specified number of missed/rejected calls.
  1. Allow Agent Recovery Time: Provide brief downtime between calls (e.g., 15 seconds).
  1. Allow Recovery Time Extension: Enable agents to extend their recovery time, with multiple extensions allowed.

8. Member Assignment

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  • Assign Members:
      1. Select users
      1. Set agent’s role to either Agent or Manager
      1. Click "Assign to Queue."

      Note: This step can be skipped if users haven’t been added to the system yet

9. Review and Confirm

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  • Review Configuration: Check the summary for Basic Info, General Settings, Routing Strategy, Hold Treatment, Agent Behavior, and Member Assignment.
  • Save Changes: Click "Save Changes" to confirm settings.

Managing an Existing Queue

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  • Access Settings: Click the queue and the settings gear icon to manage settings.
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