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Forgot Password?

Retrieve Your Dashboard Password

If you’ve forgotten your password to - You can set up a new one by following these steps

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Click on the Forgot Your Info? link just above the Sign in Bar to the bottom right

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Note that you do not need your phone number for this step.

  1. Enter your username. This will be your email address assigned to your user
  1. Enter your Account name. The name of the account you have on file with VirtualPBX, typically the name of your company. You do NOT need to input a phone number to retrieve your password.
  1. Click on Reset Password
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You will receive an email to the email you put for the username, with a link to reset your password. Once you click it, you should be placed here

  1. Enter your new password
  1. Re-enter your new password
  1. Click on Update Password

Please note that after changing your password, your login credentials for your current session will no longer be recognized. You may log out, and then back in with your updated password to resolve this. Otherwise, you will receive an error and then be forced to do so.

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