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Main Number - Business Hours Setup

Set up your business’ hours of operation

In Dash, you can set up your business phone system’s hours of operation to match your actual business hours.

  • You will later have to set your system’s routing based on each time of day. For example, setting up your routing of calls for when you are open, is completely separate from the routing you will need to set up when they are closed

This allows you to set different call routing behaviors to best address caller needs even when everyone has gone home for the day. Ex: Direct callers to an information-only extension that lists business information and hours. After you’ve set your business hours, make sure to handle incoming call handling.


Note: if you make use of multiple Auto-attendants, they will follow the same hours of operation that are set under Office Hours Strategy/Office Holidays

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  1. Click on Main Number in the menu on the left
  1. Click on Office Hours Strategy
  1. Choose either 24-hour Open Office or Custom Office Hours

24-hour Open Office means the phone system is open all day every day.

Custom Office Hours allows you to customize your business days

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  1. Click on the checkbox for each day of the week that you are open
  1. Use the pull-downs to set your open hours. The pull-downs are in 24-hour / military time
  1. Optionally you can check the box, to be closed for lunch, and set your lunch hours in 24-hr time
  1. Click on Save Changes
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