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Main Number - Office Holidays

Set business holidays

Dash allows you to set up your entire Office Holiday schedule ahead of time so that you can preprogram your calls to route accordingly.


Please note that you will need to set up your routing for periods that your system will be in holiday mode after enabling this feature.

Notion image
  1. Start by clicking on the Main Number from the Dashboard.
  1. Next, click on Office Holidays.
  1. If you will be closed for holidays, make sure the box is checked.
  1. Next, click on Add Holiday, select the type of Holiday, and give it a name/description.
    1. a. Single Day - One day Holidays recurring yearly

      b. Date Range - Range of dates for a Holiday Break (IE: Xmas break)

      c. Advanced - Allows you to select certain days of the month (For example, the fourth Thursday in November for Thanksgiving)

  1. Click Save Changes to save the new Holidays.
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